8. Other bespoke action and claims

What if a brand loves the idea of action on plastic waste, but none of the existing rePurpose Global plastic recovery models or certifications quite work?

No problem. rePurpose Global can work with brands to find bespoke solutions. Perhaps recovering a kilogram of nature-bound plastic per product sold, or running a plastic recovery campaign based on social media likes. There’s a world of options to discuss – and the bottom line will always be the creation of transparent, verifiable, and meaningful impact on plastic pollution.

For example, Burt's Bees partnered with rePurpose Global to simply remove ocean-bound plastic waste as part of a bigger Burt’s Bees’ 2025 goal to achieve net zero plastic to nature. The partnership will eliminate over 1.5 million lbs of ocean-bound plastic waste by the end of 2024. Burt’s Bees’ support in India funds recycling facility upgrades and sustained door-to-door waste collection services for around 2,000 households.

Jason Momoa's bottled water brand Mananalu aims to provide a more sustainable option for people drinking water ‘on the go’. As well as using recyclable aluminum bottles, Mananalu has a bespoke ‘Drink One, Remove One’ promise at the core of the brand. This means that each bottle of Mananalu water removes the equivalent of 1 ocean-bound plastic bottle from through rePurpose Global’s project Laut Yang Tenang in Java, Indonesia.

Though the Mananalu product is plastic free (well, almost - aluminum cans contain a very thin layer of plastic that doesn't affect recyclability), they differentiate from other water brands by having an environmental mission to clean-up ocean-bound plastic waste. Their plastic recovery efforts are publicized across channels including their website, social media, and PR such as the launch of Mananalu at Whole Foods Market in March 2023. Customers can even purchase plastic recovery of 100lbs or 200lbs via the Mananalu shop.

“Single-use plastic is bad for people and the planet. By partnering with rePurpose Global, we don't just offer an alternative, but actively remove plastic from the environment. That's impact. That's change. That’s what we are a part of.” says David Cuthbert, CEO of Mananalu.

That's just a couple of examples. Some other options that brands might consider include:

  • Impact Guarantee Program - Recovering a specified amount of plastic waste tied to every sale (e.g. 10 lb plastic recovery per product sold)
  • Fixed long-term pledge - Creating a multi-year initiative to generate significant impact outcomes and milestones (e.g. 1,000,000 lb over the next 2 years)
  • Impact tied to customer action - For example, incentivising customer referrals, newsletter sign-ups, loyalty programs, or engagement with social media posts with plastic recovery (10 lb per Instagram follow in April)
  • High impact SKUs - Promoting specific SKUs with an impact promise