11. Verified Plastic Recovery - summary

Hopefully now you know a little more about rePurpose Global’s VPR solution, and how VPR funding enables the collection, sorting, and ethical processing of nature-bound plastic waste.

The impact of VPR goes further than recovering plastic. Like the old mantra about ‘teaching a man to fish’, VPR is not a one-off solution or funding beach clean-ups. Instead, VPR funding goes towards setting up sustainable projects, systems, and infrastructure that will mean plastic waste recovery continues long into the future.

The hope, of course, is that one day, the economy will be circular, and we won’t need to continue developing waste infrastructure in the same way: “waste” will be a thing of the past. We dream of a day where resources stay in circulation and are used again and again. But we can't sit back and wait for that day to arrive. We can’t tolerate the ongoing pollution of our planet. We must stop the leakage of waste into nature.

VPR with rePurpose Global also empowers businesses, communities and waste workers; provides fairer opportunities for women in the sector; creates cleaner communities; and protects vulnerable ecosystems on land and in the ocean.

For more information about VPR, take a look at the rePurpose Global website, or get in touch with our team.

Further reading