3. How rePurpose Global creates impact

As you’ll have seen from the previous article, we need a better system. A focus on just reduction, or just recovery would not be enough to stem the flow of plastic into the oceans and prevent damaging environmental consequences. We need both.

rePurpose Global works to create that new system. And VPR is a big part of that – creating systems and infrastructure for plastic recovery in under-servced communities.

rePurpose Global’s philosophy is to do this in the most ethical and effective way. Our plastic recovery programs set standards in the sector and rePurpose Global’s Verified Plastic Recovery Protocol (VPRP) is the foundation of this. The VPRP is a comprehensive framework for running plastic recovery projects, and commits us to various principles that are set out below.

At its core, VPR has to achieve environmental impact. This means a rigorous baseline study is required to assess the ‘business as usual’ case, and our work has to achieve ‘additionality’ - only counting the recovery of waste that would not have been collected without the intervention.Similarly, for the process to be trusted our data needs accountability, traceability, and verifiability. Every kilogram has a record of generation, ownership, and transfer. This is achieved through tech-enabled chain-of-custody documentation and confirmed through third-party audits.

Our environmental goals go beyond plastic collection, and the VPRP commits plastics collected by rePurpose Global’s projects to go to the best available ‘end destination’. This means no incineration or landfill, and everything that can be recycled or upcycled, is.

Our impact philosophy also involves community collaboration – we develop community-based local solutions. Plastic pollution has a profound and unequal impact on people. Our projects empower marginalized waste worker communities, and work at the intersection of environmental and social justice.

This is supported by our protocols: rePurpose Global’s Impact Code is designed to put waste workers and communities at the forefront of our work to bring an end to the plastic crisis. It outlines a comprehensive set of guidelines and principles that define the nature of collaboration with our impact partners and creates the platform for our projects to provide improved safety, wellbeing and equality for workers.

Of course the protocol itself is only a set of standards. Adherence to the standards requires ongoing work, training, and monitoring. rePurpose Global's Impact Projects team are leading experts in this implementation, and ensure that the VPRP and Impact Code standards are maintained by all projects.