Plastic Footprint Accounting.

Measurement tools that allow you to confidently benchmark your plastic use, and track your plastic action journey.

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Industry leading plastic footprint measurement.

Accounting for the plastic used in your products and packaging can be complicated. We make the process simple for you.

Our user-friendly, technically rigorous, and fully-customizable measurement tools allow you to understand and track your plastic action journey.


Quick and simple

Data at your fingertips, at lightning speeds. We measure even the most complex plastic footprints in weeks, not months.

change and impact

Robust methodology

Our proprietary 6-Step Plastic Disclosure Methodology is the industry's most sophisticated measurement standard.

impact creation

Customized solutions

Every supply chain and product is unique, and our customizable tools and team of highly-trained specialists will meet any need.

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Resources & databases

Our extensive packaging and material databases provide you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Click here to access more detailed information about our Plastic Footprint Measurement methodology.

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Bespoke footprint accounting: versatile solutions for businesses of any size.

Whether you need to comply with external frameworks or meet your own internal goals, our modular tools can be adapted to suit your business.

Book a free consultation with industry experts
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Supercharging your brand's sustainability journey.

Doing good shouldn't be difficult. We're here to demystify the world of plastic action for conscious companies, and create measurable and accessible impact on plastic waste.

pley beauty logo

"Sustainability is a journey, and we are going to challenge ourselves to get better everyday. I am really excited about this partnership with rePurpose, it's the first step to building a petter place for everyone"

Peyton List
Founder, Pley Beauty

Learn more about Plastic Footprint Accounting.

What is a Plastic Footprint?
What are the business benefits of footprint accounting?
What global standards are rePurpose Global’s footprint measurement tools based on?
We have already measured our plastic footprint. What should we do next?

Explore solutions to fight plastic waste.

Collect plastic waste from environment

Learn how you can help to solve
the global plastic waste crisis, today!

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Plastic Action toolkit - blobPlastic reduction
Keep in touch! Learn how you can help to solve the global plastic waste crisis, today.
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