Reuse Outcomes

A $1M prototype fund to catalyze equitable access to reuse and refill solutions through outcomes-based financing.

Reuse and refillReuse Outcomes

It’s time to turn off the plastic pollution tap.

rePurpose Global is launching a $1 million Reuse Outcomes Fund, to address the urgent global need to catalyze effective plastic waste reduction models.

Central to the Fund's theory of change is a results-based financing modality, gearing philanthropic dollars to specifically work towards measurable, verified upstream outcomes (e.g. additional tons of waste avoided).

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Our Theory of Change

High standards

Develop robust standards

Formulate global frameworks and high-integrity implementation standards that
inform and guide the scaling up of waste reduction models, worldwide.

Recovered plastic boosts customer acquisition

Deploy outcomes-based financing

Finance the deployment of critically
lacking reuse and refill infrastructure, through outcomes-based modalities.

change and impact

Build knowledge repositories

Document best practices from on-ground experiences to guide future waste reduction projects, so they are transferable & replicable.

Intersectional impact

Create intersectional impact

Make circularity accessible by bringing equitable access to waste reduction solutions to low & middle-income communities.

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The ROF difference.

What sets us apart?

‍The Reuse Outcomes Fund (ROF) is focused on achieving environmental outcomes with intersectional impact.

It emphasizes the creation of verifiable results, ensuring optimal outcomes per dollar invested in combating plastic pollution.

Where will we operate?

The ROF's initial focus will span across India, US, and Canada, regions where the need and potential for impact is significant.

At the moment, the Fund is open to collaboration with civil society organizations, reuse & refill innovators, and scientific practitioners.

sustainable products and packaging

Passionate about closing the loop?

Collect plastic waste from environment