5. S - Solution implementation and the VPRP

The next step in the BASE process is the ‘S’. This stands for ‘Solution implementation’ and represents how we take action - day to day - through our recovery projects.

This action involves all of the  collection, recovery, measurement that happens through the projects. It's based on something called ‘The Verified Plastic Recovery Protocol’ (VPRP). The VPRP establishes international standards for rePurpose Global's plastic recovery projects, and is a fundamental pillar of the rePurpose Global impact process.

But it offers more than that: it is a framework for any organization intending to invest in plastic action, for waste sector innovators seeking financial assistance, to auditors verifying the projects, and the broader plastic action ecosystem.

Comprising seven principles, the protocol mandates each project to demonstrate:

  1. Additionality: Proving critical financial need for plastic recovery in the region.
  2. Measurability: Quantifying environmental and social outcomes.
  3. Material Traceability: Establishing evidence-based tracking for every kilogram of recovered Plastic.
  4. Uniqueness: Ensuring no double counting of plastic or impact.
  5. Verifiability: Requiring verifiable project and impact verification.
  6. Environmental Safeguards: Maximizing environmental safety with no detrimental impact on local ecosystems.
  7. Socio-economic Benefit: Creating economic and social opportunities within the waste value chain.

Each rePurpose Global project is evaluated against the VPRP. Our team of waste management professionals are experts at monitoring and data collection; evaluation, audit, and analysis; to make sure projects are at least compliant (if not over and above!) throughout the project lifecycle.

The VPRP is therefore a powerful guiding document for internal and external verification of impact. Through adherence to this rigorous protocol, rePurpose can provide transparent and indisputable evidence of impact, and accountability for every dollar spent.