1. Circularity: infrastructure and impact - overview

Waste management infrastructure is lacking. The systems and facilities needed to collect, sort, process and recycle the world’s waste do not have the capacity to prevent waste from becoming pollution.

The results: 11 million tons of plastics entering oceans each year, just 9% of plastic recycled, and plastic pollution as a fully fledged environmental and human health crisis.

Even in the world’s largest economies, many materials - particularly plastics - are landfilled, incinerated, or exported instead of recycled. In less developed parts of the world, even simple collection systems are often infrequent and inconsistent, or missing entirely.

rePurpose Global, as a circularity and waste action platform, is working to change this story. With a mission to end plastic waste and drive more circular solutions, the organization has been pioneering Verified Plastic Recovery (VPR) solutions. VPR fixes broken waste management value chains in under-served regions of the globe by channeling finance to where it’s needed.

This is quite a technical pathway. It looks at ‘how’ this solution works, how data is verified, and how VPR finance is used effectively.

As you read on through this pathway, you’ll see that solving the plastic crisis isn’t straightforward, but it is possible. With rigorous protocols, meticulous execution, and with people and community at the heart of the work; rePurpose Global is quietly revolutionizing the waste management sector.