3. BASE: rePurpose Global’s impact process

Now you’ve had a quick introduction to projects, here’s an overview of the ‘impact process’. These are the steps that each of rePurpose Global’s plastic recovery impact projects goes through to recover plastic waste and prevent plastic pollution. rePurpose Global implements the projects through a process with multiple steps and features. For those who love a technical name, this is known as the OBCIM (Outcomes-Based Circularity Implementation Mechanism).

Outcomes-Based as each dollar of funding pays for an outcome (a quantity of nature-bound plastic recovered); and Circularity Implementation Mechanism because it’s a way of implementing a more circular system (waste being recovered and recycled and brought back into use).

To simplify the understanding of this process, there’s an acronym - BASE - that we can use to walk through the key steps.

  • B - Baseline research
  • A - Additionality modeling
  • S - Solution implementation
  • E - Evaluation

Each is covered in more detail in the rest of the pathway. Here's a quick introduction:

B and A - Baseline research and additionality modeling

  • Baselines and Additionality: We scientifically establish baselines, and create bespoke solutions for each region that will create environmental outcomes over and above those baselines. (Again, for those who enjoy the technical side, this creation of impact above a business-as-usual scenario is the principle of ‘Additionality’)

S - Solution implementation

  • The Verified Plastic Recovery Protocol: We establish projects with local partners, and train teams to recover plastic. We run the projects in full alignment with our industry-leading protocols. These include the Verified Plastic Recovery Protocol and the Impact Code, which ensure high standards of environmental and social stewardship.
  • Social Impact and the Impact Code: Projects prioritize intersectionality, placing communities at the forefront. This means that there is a constant stream of training, bootcamps, monitoring and support from the rePurpose team as we strive to create economic opportunities for waste workers, empower women, and uphold human rights by fostering fair and safe working conditions.

E - Evaluation

  • reTrace, Technology, and Data Collection: We use technology, including our proprietary track and trace system called reTraceTM. This technology enables real-time measurement, verification, and validation of the impact (in kilograms), using a chain of custody documentation. It provides an entirely accountable and transparent system of impact data generation which is completely traceable.
  • Quality Assurance and Verification: To ensure accountability, we implement rigorous internal and external auditing and assurance processes, providing verifiable evidence of the impact achieved.

Through these comprehensive steps, rePurpose Global guarantees independently verified impact creation across the world.