Video: The Urgent Need For Action On Plastic Pollution
At Sustainable Brands’ Brand-Led Culture Change Conference (BLCC) 2023, our co-founder and Chief Impact Officer Aditya Siroya delivered a presentation highlighting the magnitude of the plastic waste crisis. Watch this talk to hear mroe about the need for brands to to action to move towards sustainable and circular solutions, and explore how brands and consumers can work together to bring an end to plastic waste.
Audacious action against plastic waste
Click the video below to watch our co-founder Aditya Siroya’s enlightening talk on why audacious action is needed against plastic waste, how brands can make a difference, and how they can yield the benefits of catering to conscious consumers.
Sustainability has to be more than a buzzword or trend that businesses use to bolster sales. Brands need to recognize that sustainability needs to be embodied as a lifestyle and philosophy. It has become critical for our environment that brands do this - against a background where we continue to consume rampantly, taking this stance and showing leadership is more important than ever. The good news for brands is that the majority of consumers are already on board and are looking for this leadership from brands.
Sustainable Brands’ annual Brand-Led Culture Change Conference (BLCC) is an avenue for brands to understand shifting consumers preferences better, and also come good on their promises to integrate sustainability into their products, services, and operations.
At Sustainable Brands BLCC ‘23, rePurpose Global was represented onstage by our co-founder and Chief Impact Officer, Aditya Siroya, for a talk on “The Future Of Impact Claims And What Consumers Want Next.”
Aditya addressed the conference members on the urgent need to tackle plastic waste and how brands can be rewarded for their sustainability efforts by the growing shift towards “conscious consumption.”
The scale of the plastic crisis
Plastic waste is being generated at an alarming rate - over one million plastic bottles are being purchased every minute and approximately five trillion plastic bags are used annually worldwide. Yet, only 9% of this plastic waste is recycled, with a significant portion dumped in nature or diverted towards already stressed and overflowing landfills in the Global South. But it’s not a problem with origins in the Global South. The United States alone produces 42 million metric tons of plastic waste every year - the highest out of any other country. This crisis is not going away anytime soon unless the brands of today decide to take action for tomorrow.
rePurpose Global’s coalition of over 270 brands have joined hands to bring a humanitarian solution to the plastic waste issue. Through the work of our impact projects around the world, brands contributing to rePurpose’s mission have prevented plastic from reaching natural ecosystems, and increased incomes for thousands of waste workers. However, the plastic problem is a complex issue that will require steadfast and consistent commitment from brands, governments, and other stakeholders, to bring true change and progress in the quest for a plastic-free world.
By joining forces with rePurpose Global and our coalition of impactful and sustainable brands, our partners are able to make a tangible and significant contribution to plastic action and empower their customers to take steps today towards a more conscious and sustainable tomorrow. For more information, please visit
Get Started with Verified Plastic Recovery for your Brand
rePurpose Global is here to support your sustainability roadmap with impactful and measurable Plastic Action solutions that deliver immediate results. Partner with us to measure your plastic footprint, fund plastic waste recovery, and create strong sustainability messaging for your brand.
Talk to our team to explore how we can work together.

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