5. Introduction to Bluebird powered by rePurpose

From action to analysis: Bluebird, powered by rePurpose Global, is a sustainability technology known for its accessible, user-friendly and rapid Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools.

Bluebird has been working since 2021 to help beauty and wellness brands reduce carbon emissions and waste associated with bringing their products to market. The software also provides tools to help brands share packaging sustainability data with customers in a simple way – including easy-to-deploy widgets.Bluebird's software incorporates AI-learning to make it easy to evaluate recyclability, landfill waste, and climate impact of packaging.

Data drawn from thousands of supply chains, consumer behavior, and recycling infrastructure can be used instantly, which gives brands the opportunity to develop more sustainable packaging and communicate independent and valid claims. More retailers are beginning to require brands to leverage LCAs as a way to verify product claims and combat greenwashing. Rapid, accurate, and affordable Life Cycle Assessments also gives brands actionable ways to build credibility with their consumers, and to get one step closer to solving the massive waste problem in the industry.