4. Introduction to Verified Plastic Recovery

rePurpose Global's 'action' solution, Verified Plastic Recovery (VPR), involves the ethical collection, sorting, and recovery of plastic waste.

VPR programs are specifically applied to plastic that would otherwise have polluted the natural environment e.g. without the program they would have been dumped or burned. As VPR recovers plastic that is managed in addition to business-as-usual, this is called ‘additional’ plastic waste.

rePurpose Global’s VPR protocols ensure that plastics go to the best ‘end destinations’. That means everything that can be recycled is recycled, and nothing is incinerated or sent to landfill.

It is called ‘verified’ plastic recovery as every step in the process is rigorously monitored, traceable and verified, and the documentation is regularly audited. That means that any brands funding VPR will receive accurate, credible, and high quality impact data that can be traced across the whole value chain.

A business's plastic waste strategy is incomplete without immediate action. Commitments to reduce plastic use or improve recyclability of your packaging are great… but they are essentially promises to continue polluting until a future date. With everyone responsible for a legacy of plastic waste, and plastic pollution on the rise, the planet can't wait.